
It is easy to get the best and practical treatments for hypertension. But who gets to know which one is effective, or which is advisable by doctors, which one’s safe, which is cheaper, which is easily available. Questions like these cannot be answered entirely by your doctors, even the smartest there in health. But a few words on hypertension treatment guidelines will help.

The following hypertension treatment guidelines arranged in no significant order.

No. 1

Listen to your doctor. They know the best for you. So whether it’s about your diet or your weight management, try to bear in mind what they say. Because if there is someone better who can help you out, your doctor is the first who can give you reliable hypertension treatment guidelines.

No. 2

Medicate on time. You might not like the taste of all those pills and supplements, but you have to take them at the right time and of course at the right amount. Hypertension treatment guidelines will not be complete without leaving your prescription behind.

No. 3

Keep it down. Despite your strict observation of these hypertension treatment guidelines, your blood pressure device maybe your only lifeline. For systolic patients, keep the pressure below 140. For diastolic patients, maintain diastolic pressure of 90 or below. A desirable BP is less than 120/80.

In addition to hypertension treatment guidelines, diabetic patients must reduce blood pressure to 130/80 to get rid of cardiac arrest. Those with kidney problems must have BP of 125/75 or less. This will help slow down the advancement of kidney disease.

No. 4

Make a difference. They say hypertension is life changing. Yes it is, in fact, starting from No. 4 to No. 8, these hypertension treatment guidelines will tackle on lifestyle changes. Eat more fruits, vegetables, low fat meals and less salty dishes.

No. 5

Lose weight. It is another important lifestyle change for your hypertension treatment guidelines. You don’t have to be thin but if you’re obese, it is a must. See your doctor and find out the appropriate weight for your age and height.

No. 6

Get rid of cigarettes. They never did you right since your first stuck one in your mouth.

No. 7

Walk More. 30 minutes of walking everyday will help you keep your weight down.

No. 8

Drink less. Your doctor might probably have told you about this. But if invitations to parties are making it hard for you, it would be better to start telling your friends you have hypertension. In this way, they will know that men will limit alcohol intake to two glasses a week, and one for women.

No. 9

Diuretics must don’t disagree. For most people with hypertension, diuretic is the first line of treatment. But part of these hypertension treatment guidelines will have to remind you that not all may agree with your body. So if one doesn’t work, ask your doctor. Diabetics are often prescribe of ACE inhibitors.

No. 10

Have a regular check up. This caps off this list of hypertension treatment guidelines. Seeing a doctor at least once month will help you reach your goal of getting low blood pressure. He will check your potassium level, your cholesterol and other important factors that you may have missed.

Then if you have reached your goal of required blood pressure, continue to see your doctor three to six months to update you of your progress.